Work Package 5
Business Development
This work package aims at taking actions to prepare the CoE RAISE to be financially independent beyond the horizon of the project, thereby establishing sustainability of the methods and structures developed and evolved in the CoE. Results of a market analysis to identify market niches combined with the experiences gained in the project, especially in cooperation with industrial partners, are used to define a suitable business model for RAISE. Based on the output, a business plan is written to guide the CoE to market, i.e., by defining the necessary management structures, service offerings, the unique selling proposition, and key partners and activities.
It is key to communicate the business idea and the go-to-market-strategy of the project to investors, cooperation partners, and customers. The business plan furthermore covers a financial plan. Strategies to protect the IP of the partners in commercial setups are developed. That is, the legal grounds for a suitable active operation on the market are provided.
Tasks in WP5
Task | Task name | Leader | Contributors | Duration |
T5.1 | Market analysis | FM | BULL | M8-M18 |
T5.2 | Development of a business model and business plan | FM | BULL, SAFRAN | M24-M30 |
T5.3 | Establishment of legal grounds for the RAISE business | FZJ | ParTec | M3-M36 |