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2024 | 11 Publications


X. Liu, M. Rüttgers, A. Quercia, R. Egele, E. Pfaehler, R. Shende, M. Aach, W. Schröder, P. Balaprakash, A. Lintermann, Refining computer tomography data with super-resolution networks to increase the accuracy of respiratory flow simulations, Future Generation Computer Systems 159 (fist online) (2024) 474–488.
DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2024.05.020


Garcia Amboage, J. P., Wulff, E., Girone, M. & Pena, T.F. 2024. "Model Performance Prediction for Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Learning Models Using High Performance Computing and Quantum Annealing", EPJ Web of Conferences 295, 12005 (2024).
DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2024.05.005


A. Higashida, K. Ando, M. Rüttgers, A. Lintermann, M. Tsubokura, Robustness evaluation of large-scale machine learning-based reduced order models for reproducing flow fields, Future Generation Computer Systems (2024).
DOI: .10.1051/epjconf/202429512005


Hassanian, R., Shahinfar A., Helgadóttir Á. & Riedel, M.. 2024. " Optimizing Wind Energy Production: Leveraging Deep Learning Models Informed with On-Site Data and Assessing Scalability through HPC" Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, no. 21: 9, 2024
DOI: 10.12700/APH.21.9.2024.9.4


Hassanian, R., Aach M., Lintermann A., Helgadóttir Á. & Riedel M.. 2024. " Turbulent Flow Prediction-Simulation: Strained flow with Initial Isotropic Condition Using a GRU Model Trained by an Experimental Lagrangian Framework, with Emphasis on Hyperparameter Optimization." Fluids 9, no. 4: 84, 2024
DOI: 10.3390/fluids9040084


Pata, J., Wulff, E., Mokhtar, F., Southwick, D., Zhang, M., Girone, M., & Duarte, J. (2024). Improved particle-flow event reconstruction with scalable neural networks for current and future particle detectors. Communications Physics, 7(1), 124.
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-024-01599-5


Rüttgers, M., Waldmann, M., Vogt, K., Ilgner, J., Schröder, W., & Lintermann, A. (2024). Automated surgery planning for an obstructed nose by combining computational fluid dynamics with reinforcement learning. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 173, 108383.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108383


R. Hassanian, P. Costa, A. Helgadottir, M. Riedel, Deep learning model capable of simulating the inertial particle path in particle-laden turbulent flow, in: 5th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (ICNMMF-5), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2024.


Hassanian, R., Aach, M., Lintermann, A., Helgadóttir, Á., & Riedel, M. (2024). Turbulent Flow Prediction-Simulation: Strained Flow with Initial Isotropic Condition Using a GRU Model Trained by an Experimental Lagrangian Framework, with Emphasis on Hyperparameter Optimization. Fluids, 9(4, Special Issue Turbulent Flow, 2nd Edition), 84.
DOI: 10.3390/fluids9040084


Demou, A. D., & Savva, N. (2024). Hybrid AI-Analytical Modeling of Droplet Dynamics on Inclined Heterogeneous Surfaces. Mathematics, 12(8).
DOI: 10.3390/math12081188


Hassanian, R., Yeganeh, N., & Riedel, M. 2024. "Wind Velocity and Forced Heat Transfer Model for Photovoltaic Module" Fluids 9, no. 1: 17, 2024
DOI: 10.3390/fluids9010017

2023 | 24 Publications


Aach, M., Sarma, R., Inanc, E., Riedel, M., & Lintermann, A. (2023). Short Paper: Accelerating Hyperparameter Optimization Algorithms with Mixed Precision. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, 1776–1779.
DOI: 10.1145/3624062.3624259


M. Aach, E. Inanc, R. Sarma, M. Riedel, A. Lintermann, Optimal Resource Allocation for Early Stopping-based Neural Architecture Search Methods, in: A. Faust, R. Garnett, C. White, F. Hutter, J. R. Gardner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), Vol. 228, PMLR, Potsdam/Berlin, Germany, 2023, pp. 12/1—-17.


Hassanian, R. & Riedel, M. 2023. "Buckling Assessment in the Dynamics Mechanisms, Stewart Platform Case Study: In the Context of Loads and Joints, Deflection Positions Gradient" Computation 11, no. 11: 227, 2023
DOI: 10.3390/computation11110227


V. Coulon, J. Gaucherand, V. Xing, D. Laera, C. Lapeyre, T. Poinsot, Direct numerical simulations of methane, ammonia-hydrogen and hydrogen turbulent premixed flames, Combustion and Flame 256 (2023) 112933.
DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112933


F. Hübenthal, M. Albers, M. Meinke, W. Schröder, Surrogate-based optimization for active drag reduction of turbulent boundary layer flows, PAMM 23 (4) (2023).
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202300190


R. Hassanian, A. Helgadottir, C. Velte, M. Riedel, Turbulent flow prediction: Lagrangian Particle Tracking-Deep Learning (LPT-DL) based models, in: APS 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Washington, DC, 2023.


Cavallaro, G., Sedona, R., Riedel, M., Lintermann, A., & Michielsen, K. (2023). "Challenges and Opportunities in the Adoption of High Performance Computing for Earth Observation in the Exascale Era". In P. Soille, S. Lumnitz, & S. Albani (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’23) - From foresight to impact (pp. 25–28). Publications Office of the European Union
DOI: 10.2760/46796


Demou, A. & Savva, N., “AI-assisted modeling of capillary-driven droplet dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, October 2023
DOI: 10.1017/dce.2023.19


R. Hassanian, H. Myneni, Á. Helgadóttir & M. Riedel, “Deciphering the dynamics of distorted turbulent flows: Lagrangian particle tracking and chaos prediction through transformer-based deep learning models”, Physics of Fluids Volume 35, Issue 7, July 2023
DOI: 10.1063/5.0157897


Blanc, C., Ahar, A. & De Grave, K., “Reference dataset and benchmark for reconstructing laser parameters from on-axis video in powder bed fusion of bulk stainless steel”, Additive Manufacturing Letters, Volume 7, December 2023, 100161
DOI: 10.1016/j.addlet.2023.100161


J. Pata, E. Wulff, J. Duarte, F. Mokhtar, M. Zhang, M. Girone, D. Southwick, Simulated datasets for detector and particle flow reconstruction: CLIC detector (2023).
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8260741


J. Pata, J. Duarte, F. Mokhtar, E. Wulff, J. Yoo, J.-R. Vlimant, M. Pierini, M. Girone, Machine Learning for Particle Flow Reconstruction at CMS, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (1) (2023) 012100.
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2438/1/012100


Hassanian, R. & Riedel, M. Leading-Edge Erosion and Floating Particles: Stagnation Point Simulation in Particle-Laden Turbulent Flow via Lagrangian Particle Tracking, Machines 11, no. 5: 566, 2023
DOI: 10.3390/machines11050566


R. Hassanian, A. Helgadottir, M. Riedel, Iceland wind farm assessment case study and development: An empirical data from wind and wind turbine, Cleaner Energy Systems 4 (2023) 100058.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cles.2023.100058


M. Riedel, C. Barakat, S. Fritsch, M. Aach, J. Busch, A. Lintermann, A. Schuppert, S. Brynjólfsson, H. Neukirchen, M. Book, Enabling Hyperparameter-Tuning of AI Models for Healthcare using the CoE RAISE Unique AI Framework for HPC, in: 2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), IEEE, 2023, pp. 435–440.
DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159755


Hassanian, R. (Corresponding author), Helgadottir, A., Aach, M., Lintermann, A. & Riedel, M., “A proposed hybrid two-stage DL-HPC method for wind speed forecasting: using the first average forecast output for long-term forecasting”, Proceedings of the IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC2023).
JuSER (Open Access)


J. G. Amboage, E. Wulff, M. Girone, T. F. Pena, Optimizing AI-based HEP algorithms using HPC and Quantum Computing, in: 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2023, Norfolk, VA, USA, 2023.


Aach, M. (Corresponding author), Wulff, E., Pasetto, E., Delilbasic, A., Sarma, R., Inanc, E., Girone, M., Riedel, M. & Lintermann, A., “A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Workflow for Hyperparameter Optimization of Neural Networks”, ISC High Performance 2023, ISC2023.
JuSER (Open Access)


Aach, M., Inanc, E., Sarma, R., Riedel, M. & Lintermann, A. “Large scale performance analysis of distributed deep learning frameworks for convolutional neural networks”, J Big Data 10, 96 (2023).
DOI: 10.1186/s40537-023-00765-w | JuSER (Open Access)


Inanc, E. (Corresponding author), Sarma, R., Aach, M. & Lintermann, A., “AI4HPC v0.1”, zenodo.
DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.7705421 | JuSER (Open Access)


Albers, M., Meysonnat, P. S., Fernex, D., Semaan, R., Noack, B. R., Schröder, W. & Lintermann, A. (Corresponding author), “Actuated Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows Dataset”, EUDAT - B2SHARE
DOI: 10.34730/5dbc8e35f21241d0889906136cf28d26 | JuSER (Open Access)


Barakat, C. (Corresponding author), Aach, M., Schuppert, A., Brynjólfsson, S., Fritsch, S. & Riedel, M., “Analysis of Chest X-ray for COVID-19 Diagnosis as a Use Case for an HPC-Enabled Data Analysis and Machine Learning Platform for Medical Diagnosis Support”, Diagnostics 2023, 13(3), 391
DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics13030391 | JuSER (Open Access)


Hassanian R., Helgadottir A., L Bouhlali L., Riedel M. “An Experiment Generates a Specified Mean Strained Rate Turbulent Flow: Dynamics of Particles”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35(1), 2023.
DOI: 10.1063/5.0134306


Orland, F., Brose, K. S., Bissantz, J., Ferraro, F., Terboven, C. & Hasse, C. (2023). A Case Study on Coupling OpenFOAM with Different Machine Learning Frameworks.
DOI: 10.1109/AI4S56813.2022.00007

2022 | 20 Publications


Hassanian, R., Helgadottir, A. & Riedel, M. “Parallel computing accelerates sequential deep networks model in turbulent flow forecasting”. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, SC22, Dallas, November 13-18, Dallas, 2022.
SC22 Supercomputing (Open Access)


Hassanian, R., Helgadottir, A. & Riedel, M. “Deep Learning Forecasts a Strained Turbulent Flow Velocity Field in Temporal Lagrangian Framework: Comparison of LSTM and GRU”, Fluids, 2022, 7(11), 344.
DOI: 10.3390/fluids7110344


Gargallo-Peiró, A., Revilla, G., Avila, M. & Houzeaux, G. (2022). A Level Set-Based Actuator Disc Model for Turbine Realignment in Wind Farm Simulation: Meshing, Convergence and Applications.
DOI: 1996-1073/15/23/8877 | UPC repository (Open Access)


M. Aach, R. Sedona, A. Lintermann, G. Cavallaro, H. Neukirchen and M. Riedel, "Accelerating Hyperparameter Tuning of a Deep Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification," in IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),  pp. 263-266, 2022

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9883257 | JuSER (Open Access)


R. Sedona, C. Paris, L. Tian, M. Riedel and G. Cavallaro, "An Automatic Approach for the Production of a Time Series of Consistent Land-Cover Maps Based on Long-Short Term Memory," in IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 203-206, 2022

DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9883655 | JuSER (Open Access)


R. Hassanian, H. Myneni, A. Helgadottir, M. Riedel, Vertical axis wind turbine powers telecom towers: Green and clean configuration, in: 2023 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE), 2023, pp. 114–118

DOI: 10.1109/CEEGE58447.2023.10246601


Hassanian, R., Riedel, M. & Bouhlali, L. (2022). The Capability of Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Turbulence Flow via Spatiotemporal Features. IEEE 10th Jubilee International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems (ICCC 2022)

DOI: | UoI repository (Open Access)


Mira, D., Pérez-Sánchez, E. J., Borell, R. & Houzeaux, G. (2022). HPC-enabling technologies for high-fidelity combustion simulations.

DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.222 | UPC (OpenAccess)


​Slaidiņš, I., Timrote, I., Zagorskis, V. & Cikovskis, L. (2022). Educational Service Platform for Artificial Intelligence Resources.

DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE54893.2022.9820214 | (OpenAccess)


Sumner, E. M.; Unnthorsson, R. & Riedel, M. (2022). Replicating Human Sound Localization with a Multi-Layer Perceptron.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6797854


R. Sarma, M. Albers, E. Inanc, M. Aach, W. Schröder, A. Lintermann, Parallel and Scalable Deep Learning to Reconstruct Actuated Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. Part I: Investigation of Autoencoder-Based Trainings, in: ParCFD2022 33rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Alba, Italy, 2022.

JuSER (Open Access)


E. Inanc, M. Albers, R. Sarma, M. Aach, W. Schröder, A. Lintermann, Parallel and Scalable Deep Learning to Reconstruct Actuated Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows. Part II: Autoencoder Training on Hpc Systems, in: ParCFD2022 33rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Alba, Italy, 2022.

JuSER (Open Access)


Hassanian R., Riedel M., Helgadottir A.,Costa P. & Bouhlali L. (2022). JUWELS Booster -- Lagrangian Particle Tracking Data of a Straining Turbulent Flow Assessed Using Machine Learning and Parallel Computing. ParCFD 2022 conference, Alba, Italy

UoI repository (Open Access)


Kesselheim, S., Herten, A., Krajsek, K., Ebert, J., Jitsev, J., Cherti, M., Langguth, M., Gong, B., Stadtler, S., Mozaffari, A., Cavallaro, G., Sedona, R., Schug, A., Strube, A., Kamath, R., Schultz, M. G., Riedel, M. & Lippert, T. (2022). JUWELS Booster -- A Supercomputer for Large-Scale AI Research.

DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2108.11976


Hassanian, R., Yeganeh, N. & Riedel, M. (2022). Numerical Investigation on the Acceleration Vibration Response of Linear Actuator.

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108625 | opinvisindi (OpenAccess)


E. M. Sumner, R. Unnthorsson, M. Riedel, Replicating Human Sound Localization with a Multi-Layer Perceptron, in: Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference„ Saint-Étienne, France, 2022.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6797854


Hassanian, R. & Riedel, M. (2022). Mechanical Elements Analysis of Stewart Platform: Computational Approach.

DOI: 10.21275/SR2242009233


Sumner, E. M., Aach, M., Lintermann, A., Unnthorsson, R. & Riedel, M. (2022). Speed-Up of Machine Learning for Sound Localization via High-Performance Computing. 2022 26th International Conference on Information Technology (IT)

DOI: 10.1109/IT54280.2022.9743519 | opinvisindi (OpenAccess)


Hassanian, R., Riedel, M., & Yeganeh N. (2022). A Review in Context to Wind Effect on NOCT
Model for Photovoltaic Panel. Crimson Publisher



Hassanian, R., Riedel, M., Helgadottir A., Yeganeh N. & Unnthorsson R. (2022). Implicit Equation for Photovoltaic Module Temperature and Efficiency via Heat Transfer Computational Model. Thermo 2022


2021 | 5 Publications


Hassanian, R., Yeganeh, N., Unnthorsson, R. & Riedel, M. (2021). A Practical Approach for Estimating the Optimum Tilt Angle of a Photovoltaic Panel for a Long Period—Experimental Recorded Data. MDPI Journals 2021



Rüttgers, M., Waldmann, M., Schröder, W. & Lintermann, A. (2021). Machine-Learning-Based Control of Perturbed and Heated Channel Flows. High Performance Computing, Proceedings of the 36th International Conference, ISC High Performance 2021



Delilbasic, A., Cavallaro, G., Willsch, M., Melgani, F., Michielsen, K. & Riedel, M. (2021). Quantum Support Vector Machine Algorithms for Remote Sensing Data Classification. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS

DOI:10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554802 | JuSER (Open Access)


Sedona, R., Paris, C., Cavallaro, G., Bruzzone, L. & Riedel, M. (2021). A High-Performance Multispectral Adaptation GAN for Harmonizing Dense Time Series of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing



Sedona, R., Barakat, C., Einarsson, P., Hassanian, Cavallaro, G., R., Book, M., Neukirchen, H., Lintermann, A. & Riedel, M. (2021). Practice and Experience in using Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning with Heterogenous Modular Supercomputing Architectures. 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)

DOI:10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00019 | JuSER (Open Access)

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The CoE RAISE project have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme H2020-INFRAEDI-2019-1 under grant agreement no. 951733

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