Our latest news

CoE RAISE participated at the 4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference
On April 11-12, the 4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference took place in Riga, Latvia. The on-site event was hosted by Riga Technical University, however it was a collaborative event by several National HPC Competence centers in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, FInland, and Denmark in the framework of EuroCC 2 project.
May 2024

AI Insights Episode 5 – CoE RAISE Podcast
Joining us today is Corentin Lapeyre, a passionate physicist and experienced engineer. He has a Ph.D. in numerical combustion physics and a master in aerospace engineering. He is also a Python evangelist, an open source enthusiast, and a world traveler.
November 2023

WP4 news: Collaborative efforts of T4.1
This news item from WP4 highlights the collaborative efforts of T4.1 with CERN openlab, whose focus of work coincides with the themes of CoE RAISE on many fronts. Some great examples of this come in the form of RAISE members presenting their work carried out in T4.1 at several CERN openlab lectures during the past months.
October 2023

CoE RAISE Project's All Hands Meeting in Iceland: A Successful Gathering of Partners
Reykjavik, Iceland - The CoE RAISE project recently concluded its All Hands Meeting, a collaborative event held from August 28 to 30, 2023, in the picturesque surroundings of Hveragerði, Iceland. The meeting brought together 33 colleagues from 10 partner organizations, providing a platform for in-depth discussions, progress reports, and the exploration of future activities within the project.
September 2023

AI Insights Episode 4 – CoE RAISE Podcast
Todays guest is Cristóbal Samaniego, a recognised postdoctoral researcher from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who also serves as a lecturer of statistics and mathematical analysis at Ramon Llull University in Spain. Cristóbal has worked with a large number of applications in the field of high-performance computational mechanics, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD), solid mechanics, solid fracture and fluid-solid interaction.
September 2023

AI Insights Episode 3 – CoE RAISE Podcast
Todays guest is Ieva Timrote, a Training Officer from the Riga Technical University High Performance Computing Centre. She has supported the maintenance and creation of CoE RAISE´s Education Portal, where we archive and promote AI training courses from all over the world in order to support the learning of the AI community.
August 2023

WP2 news: Welcome to AI4HPC - the newest addition to the UAIF!
AI4HPC is an open-source library to train AI models for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-based applications on High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. This library has been developed in the context of the CoE RAISE project and is part of the Unique AI Framework (UAIF).
June 2023

AI Insights Episode 2 – CoE RAISE Podcast
Todays guest is Morris Riedel, a full professor and head of Iceland's National Competence for High Performance Computing & Artificial Intelligence at the University of Iceland. On top of that, he is also the research group leader of the Federated Systems and Data Division at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. In addition, he serves as a EuroHPC JU Governing Board member for Iceland as well being involved in many strategic decisions on HPC in Europe.
June 2023

​AI and supercomputers join forces to tackle global challenges
The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) awards us as the "Project of the Month". CORDIS is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe.
Their mission is to bring research results to professionals in the field to foster open science, create innovative products and services and stimulate growth across Europe.
May 2023

AI Insights Episode 1 – CoE RAISE Podcast
In the first episode, Andreas Lintermann, Project Coordinator CoE RAISE, has Fabian Hübenthal from RWTH Aachen as his guest. The PhD student talks about his young career and his current role in the RAISE project, but also gives an insight into his private life.
April 2023

RAISE members presenting at the CERN openlab annual technical workshop
On March 16-17 2023, CERN openlab held its annual technical workshop at the CERN site in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading tech companies, which works to drive innovation in the computing technologies needed by CERN’s research community.
March 2023

CoE RAISE helps Treble Technologies improve acoustic response in virtual reality applications
Treble Technologies is an Icelandic startup and SME specializing in acoustic simulations. They simulate the acoustical effects of proposed architectural designs and present these results in virtual reality. This lets Treble's clients experience the soundscape of a building or other environment so that they can identify and correct acoustic problems before construction begins.
March 2023

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly declared February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The goal is to achieve full and equal access to and participation of women and girls in science and to further advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. As part of this day, we would like to feature three of our team members in RAISE.
February 2023

Project members gather at CERN for CoE RAISE’s ‘All Hands’ meeting
From 17 to 20 January, 54 members the CoE RAISE project met at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, for an “All Hands” meeting. CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics is home to the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.
January 2023

AI- and simulation-based engineering workshop
Experts of CoE RAISE and the NCCs of the Czech Republic, Iceland, and Germany presented their progress in AI-related research at the “AI- and simulation-based engineering workshop”, which took place in the Grandior Hotel in Prague on the first of December 2022
December 2022

CoE RAISE Technical Workshop -
AI for Wind Farm Layout Optimization
From 15 to 18 November, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in Spain hosted a four day in-person hands-on workshop on Machine Learning (ML) supported methodology development, testing, and tuning for wind turbine simulations. The workshop took place in the context of CoE RAISE Task 3.2 “AI for Wind Farm Layout Optimization”.
December 2022

Data-Driven Use-Cases towards Exascale
The different use-cases in Work Package 4 (Data-Driven Use-Cases towards Exascale) have been working hard during the summer and have some exciting new progress to share with the CoE RAISE community.
September 2022

Waiting has come to an end: RAISE colleagues are on the road.
Since the start of the project in January 2021, almost all events took place digitally due to COVID19 travelling restrictions putting networking to the test. Finally, after almost one and a half years, the first in-person events became possible again. The RAISE colleagues used this opportunity and visited trade fairs and workshops in Germany, the Czech Republic, Iceland, France, and Italy to spread the words about the project.
August 2022

Towards more efficient and accurate algorithms in science and industry using machine learning
One of the primary goals in CoE RAISE is the development and expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in line with representative use cases from research and industry. These have a strong focus on data-driven technologies, i.e. analyzing data-rich descriptions of physical phenomena. Example use cases vary widely and range from fundamental physics and remote sensing to 3D printing and acoustics.
March 2022

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly declared February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The goal is to achieve full and equal access to and participation of women and girls in science and to further advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. As part of this day, we would like to feature two of our team members in RAISE.
February 2022

Compute-driven use cases towards Exascale
One of the primary goals in CoE RAISE is the development and expansion of AI methods along representative use cases from research and industry, which have a strong focus on data-driven technologies, i.e., analyzing data-rich descriptions of physical phenomena. Example use cases vary widely and range from fundamental physics and remote sensing to 3D printing and acoustics.
January 2022

Blueprint of AI Framework for Exascale conceived using Application Co-Design
One of the most important goals of CoE RAISE is to support the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies towards their Exascale application using cutting-edge HPC systems. Therefore, building, training, and evaluating Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models is of utmost importance.
November 2021

Data-driven use cases towards Exascale
One of the primary goals in CoE RAISE is the development and expansion of AI methods along representative use cases from research and industry, which have a strong focus on data-driven technologies, i.e., analyzing data-rich descriptions of physical phenomena.
September 2021

On the way to lower energy consumption in the transport sector with the help of machine learning
The research in WP3 and the collaboration with WP2 is strongly related to the growing environmental awareness. To be more precise, it is a must in the transport sector to lower energy consumption which is strongly determined by friction drag.
July 2021

The virtual Summer school of the IEEE GRSS HDCRS working group on High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing
In collaboration with the University of Iceland (UOI) and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), CoE-RAISE co-organized the virtual event in the capacity of partner from May 31 to June 3, 2021.
June 2021

Application Co-Design for an AI Framework for Exascale
One of the CoE RAISE goals is to design, implement, and evaluate an AI framework that is ready for future Exascale HPC systems (see ‘AI at Exascale‘ ). This framework is an enabler for highly scalable applications accelerating scientific discovery and advancing engineering in a wide variety of domains. It is co-designed by the RAISE Use Cases from natural sciences and engineering.