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m-AIA Tescases

Simulation testcases for the multi-physics simulation framework m-AIA

The mulit-physics simulation framework m-AIA [1] (formerly know as Zonal Flow Solver - ZFS) thrives on continuous development by its users. To make sure that new developments do not impair the functionality of the code, the modified code must be able to run testcases successfully before changes can be accepted. There are testcases for various modules of m-AIA, e.g, grid generation, reading geometries, the different types of physical solvers, and post processing methods.


The lattice-Boltzmann solver, for example, has 2D and 3D testcases that guarantee an error-free usability of initial and boundary conditions, inflow velocity profiles, acoustic source terms, thermal simulations, particles, turbulence models, and parallel computing. The testcases of the Finite Volume solver, as a second example, have an additional focus on combustion applications. Each solver’s testcases are related to the specific scientific domain they have been mainly employed for by their users. The testcases are a cornerstone of m-AIA’s strategy for becoming the leader in open-source multi-physics simulation frameworks.


Figure 1: 3D visualization of the flow around a cylinder, simulated with the m-AIA multi-physics simulation framework..

Description of files and download

A testcase is composed of the properties_grid.toml file which contains parameters for grid generation, and the properties_run.toml or properties_restart.toml files for the parameters the are required for executing or restarting a simulation. Furthermore, the geometry.toml file specifies the boundary conditions of different geometries that are stored as, e.g., stereolithography (.stl) files in case of 3D simulations. Simulation results are usually stored in the ./out/ directory in the .Netcdf or .hdf5 file formats. They can be visualized with the m-AIA plugin for the open source software Paraview, which is available at the git repository (link will follow). To guarantee that the modified code does not produce incorrect results, the simulation results are compared to reference solutions. These are normally stored in the ./reference/ directory.


A testcase can be executed with the following steps:  

  1. Get m-AIA from the git repository

  2. Run ./ ? ? in the source directory

  3. Run make to build m-AIA 

  4. Go into the testcases directory

  5. Execute m-AIA, e.g., with mpirun -np #noDomains properties_{grid/run/restart}.toml  


More details about the compilation of m-AIA, the mathematical and numerical background of the physical solvers, and the execution of simulations are given in the documentation in the git repository (link will follow).

Dataset download:


m-AIA Reference Cases

41 GB

testcases.tar created with m-AIA version 'v2024.1'


[1]  Lintermann, A., Meinke, M., & Schröder, W. (2020). Zonal Flow Solver (ZFS): a highly efficient multi-physics simulation          

      framework. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 34(7–8), 458–485. doi:10.1080/10618562.2020.1742328


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The CoE RAISE project have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme H2020-INFRAEDI-2019-1 under grant agreement no. 951733

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